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Immersive Educational Program for Medical Professionals

Immersive Education

The Collaborative Alliance for Pancreatic Education and Research (CAPER) and The National Pancreas Foundation (NPF) are pleased to provide a collaborative program – the CAPER/ NPF Visiting Fellows Program.


To advance the knowledge, awareness, and training regarding pancreatic diseases and provide select trainees exposure to a comprehensive and disciplinary approach to the management of benign and malignant pancreatic diseases in an immersive experience.

One Month Immersive Experience

Provides select trainees’ exposure to a comprehensive and multidisciplinary approach to the management of benign and malignant pancreatic diseases.

Trainees will work directly with leading gastroenterologists. Inaugural host medical centers: University of Pittsburgh Medical Center will host the adult pancreas disease program and Children’s Hospital of Cincinnati will host the pediatric pancreatitis program.

Program Goals

  • Multifaceted management of acute pancreatitis.
  • Multifaceted management of acute recurrent pancreatitis.
  • Multifaceted management of chronic pancreatitis.
  • Multifaceted diagnosis and management of pancreatic cysts.
  • Diagnosis and management of pancreatic masses



Fellows placement to be scheduled in Summer/Fall, 2023.
Fellows applications are due by January 15, 2023.

For applications and additional information please contact
Adriana Cowdin: