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Patients & Caregivers.

National Pancreas Foundation is the only medical nonprofit dedicated to advancing research, awareness, diagnosis, treatment, and support for patients living with pancreatic disease.

What is the NPF patient registry?

NPF’s patient registry is a cloud-based health information management tool for patients affected by pancreas disease. It is the first patient registry impacting all forms of pancreatic disease, including pancreatic cancer, chronic and acute pancreatitis, pediatric pancreatitis, and Familial Chylomicronemia Syndrome (FCS).

As a patient-centric platform, the NPF Patient Registry will enable greater collaboration amongst researchers, our foundation, and the patient community by leveraging patient-curated data to accelerate progress towards improving the quality of care and quality of life for patients with pancreatic disease.

Connect, Share, Thrive
Why Join Our Patient Support Groups?

Welcome to a haven of understanding and empathy – the National Pancreas Foundation's Patient Support Groups. Here, we believe that no one should face the challenges of pancreatic diseases alone. Join our supportive community, where patients, caregivers, and loved ones come together to share experiences, gain knowledge, and find strength in the journey toward improved pancreatic health.

Find a Center of Excellence

The NPF Center of Excellence Program connects distinguished medical centers dedicated to pancreatic health, fostering innovation and breakthroughs in research. By uniting the brightest minds, this initiative shapes the future of pancreatic medicine, ensuring compassionate and effective care for those affected by pancreatic disorders. Join us on a journey of discovery and collaboration.

Join a State Chapter or Volunteer

The NPF is a nationally recognized organization with a growing nationwide network of state chapters. Our volunteers fuel awareness for pancreatic diseases such as chronic and acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. NPF volunteers understand the specific needs of their communities and they promote and expand patient, public, and professional education.

We Love Our Caregivers

We are a patient-oriented foundation, helping patients and their caregivers learn about pancreas diseases, find expert care, and feel seen and supported. Our patient and caregiver section provides resources and tools to help you understand your disease, research treatment options, join our patient registry or online support group, receive mental health support, and more.  

Connect, Share, Thrive
Helpful Links

Discover a wealth of essential resources that support pancreas health and well-being in our carefully curated helpful links section, brought to you by the National Pancreas Foundation, dedicated to advancing research, education, and advocacy.

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