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How to become a NPF Center of Excellence


Getting Started As A NPF Center of Excellence

Guided by an NPF Centers of Excellence Task Force, which includes physicians, surgeons, and patient advocates, the program has included two changes. First, the program will be two-tiered. Institutions can now apply to be a Clinical Center of Excellence or a Clinical Center and an Academic Center of Excellence. 

“Five years ago, when the program was created, we wanted to guide our patients to the best pancreas disease institutions,” said Dr. Chris Forsmark, chair of the program. “We have done this and are taking it one step further to distinguish our centers depending on patient needs.” A second change is that now hospitals can apply to be a Pediatric Pancreatitis NPF Center of Excellence as treatments for pancreatitis in adults and children are different.

Clinical Center of Excellence Types

Pancreatitis Clinical Center (Download Application Form)

Pediatric Pancreatitis Clinical Center (Download Application Form)

Pancreatic Cancer (Download Application Form)

Academic Center of Excellence Types

To be considered an Academic Center, the Clinical Center application MUST also be submitted. 

Adult Pancreatitis Academic Center (Download Application Form)

Pediatric Pancreatitis Academic Center (Download Application Form)

Pancreatic Cancer (Download Application Form)