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National Pancreas Foundation is the only medical nonprofit dedicated to advancing research, awareness, diagnosis, treatment, and support for patients living with pancreatic disease.


PancreasBowl is the National Pancreas Foundation’s signature fundraiser where patients, family members, caregivers and medical professionals come together to have fun and raise money to support NPF.

Connect, Share, Thrive
What is the PancreasBowl?

PancreasBowl is a fun and easy way for individuals, medical professionals, and companies to make an impact on pancreas disease, pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, pediatric pancreatitis and FCS Syndrome – it only takes a little bit of effort to raise the money that is vital to NPF’s success. Fundraising teams collect donations and then celebrate their success by attending a local bowling party.

We appreciate all the teams that have participated and dedicated their time to raise critical funds to fight pancreas disease.

Bowling events are held in your local area at a time that is convenient for your team. Many bowling events are scheduled during the month of November in support of Pancreatic Cancer Awareness month, but events can be held form October to December. Bowlers will raise money through family, friends and co-workers using an online giving platform. NPF will provide the support for templates, messaging, etc. to make participation easy and fun.

Have fun at PancreasBowl while positively impacting someone’s life afflicted with pancreas disease.

Fundraising Events
Plan a Bowlathon

You can either join a team or register your own team to play at an existing PancreasBowl event near you.

If you want to hold your own PancreasBowl event, email to get started.

Fundraising Events
Empower Change, Hit a Goal

Bowlers will raise money by asking your family and friends to support you in meeting your goal. NPF asks that each bowler raises a minimum of $100 to cover the cost of bowling, but you can set your goal as high as you’d like. You can even have a competition among your friends for bragging rights! Fundraising is easy with our user-friendly online giving platform and NPF support throughout the process.

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