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Get Involved with NPF State Chapters

Get Involved With NPF

The NPF is a nationally recognized organization with a growing nationwide network of state chapters. Our volunteers fuel awareness for pancreatic diseases such as chronic and acute pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. NPF volunteers understand the specific needs of their communities and they promote and expand patient, public, and professional education.

We believe that it is desirable that every patient, caregiver and healthcare professional associated with pancreas disease, have access to a chapter of the NPF and participate in its activities.

The purpose of the chapters is similar to that of the organization’s mission, i.e., to provide hope for those suffering from pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer through funding cutting-edge research, advocating for new and better therapies, and providing support and education for patients, caregivers, and health care professionals. In addition, the chapters are established to network with physicians; patients; family members, and caregivers to provide support and encouragement.

As a volunteer with your state chapter, you can experience the value of helping others.

Chapters are organized by geographic location to serve pancreatic disease patients and families by providing various educational, support/networking, leadership, fundraising and social opportunities on the local level.

The chapter is led by two individuals – the chapter chair and the medical director and supported where possible, by a local chapter board.

For information on volunteer opportunities, meetings, & events in your community, or to find out ho